
Back to the Tribe

Modern technologies can revive ancient impulses

Modernity tried to whitewash our tribal selves, to erase the vestiges of the savannah in our genome. But like graffiti in a city, our inner caveman is irrepressible. The ancient hominid self springs up unpredictably and in unexpected places. The tribe underlies the most fundamental parts of our identities, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to pin down. How far have we moved from our small bands of foragers? Digital technologies like social networking sites and cell phones return us to an age of tribal-style social immersion.

Staff Picks

‘The instant nature of electric-information movement is decentralizing, rather than enlarging, the family of man into a new state of multitudinous tribal existences’

Archaeologist Finds Ruins of ‘Friendster’

Researchers conducting the Friendster excavation say the site has been deserted since the year 2005 A.D.

Visual of Wifi Dowsing Rod

Wifi Dowsing Rod

Today's technology advances so rapidly that people are often unable to update their media schemas in time and as a...

Visual of To Milk the Cows, Click here

To Milk the Cows, Click here

In millions of offices and homes around the world people are hard at work planting crops feeding cattle and tilling...