

Blurring the line between people and products

Anthropomorphobia is the fear of recognizing human characteristics in non-human objects. The term is a hybrid of two Greek-derived words: ‘anthropomorphic’ means ‘of human form’ and ‘phobia’ means ‘fear’. Its symptoms are irrational panic attacks, disdain, revulsion, and confusion over things that change what it means to be human: plastic surgery, robots, and intelligent animals. Will anthropomorphobia eventually become public disease number one?

Staff Picks

'We should prevent people from having to live in a world where they are constantly confused about what it means to be human'

Metalosis Maligna

Metalosis Maligna is a documentary by Floris Kaayk about a disease which affects patients with medical implants.

Visual of Aging Barbie

Aging Barbie

You wouldn't give it to her but Barbie is already over 50 years old. The doll made her debut at...

Visual of Facing your Car

Facing your Car

Do cars have a face? You would be inclined to say yes immediately. And you would be right as well...