
Do you dream of the future of our planet? Do you envision a world where humanity, technology, and nature merge in a revolutionary way? Then this is your chance! Submit your project to the Next Nature Museum's Open Call by March 31st, and who knows, maybe your project will shine in the Spaceship Earth exhibition!

A chance to shine
The Next Nature Museum challenges you to present innovative ideas about the evolution of humanity, technology, and nature. Do you have an interactive installation, a creative design, or an innovative biotechnological concept? If your project offers a fresh perspective on the future, then you’re in the right place. The best projects will be showcased in the Spaceship Earth exhibition, where we explore the four evolutionary rings of our planet: Geosphere (the Earth and its resources), Biosphere (life and ecosystems), Technosphere (technology), and Mindsphere (consciousness). These four rings represent the stages of our planet and our evolution as a species. Together, they offer a vision of where we come from and where we can go.

From left to right: Philippa Beale (© Ross McLennnan), Puck van Dijk (© Hessel Stuut), and Roanne van Voorst (© Roeltje van de Sande Bakhuyzen)

Success stories from 2024
The fact that the Open Call leads to inspiring projects was proven by the winners of 2024: Philippa Beale, Puck van Dijk, and Roanne van Voorst. Out of more than two hundred submissions, they were selected to realize their groundbreaking ideas.

  • Philippa Beale designed a speculative organism – a type of starfish – that helps people breathe underwater. A radical vision of how we can adapt to climate change.
  • Puck van Dijk brought the hidden world beneath our feet to life with an interactive AI installation. Visitors can communicate with underground organisms and experience the human impact on ecosystems.
  • Roanne van Voorst uncovered the hidden mechanisms of artificial intelligence. Her project shows how algorithms influence our behavior and the ecological footprint we leave behind.

Want to get inspired, or are you simply curious about the stories behind these projects? Click here to read more about the winners of the Open Call 2024 and their innovative ideas!

The four evolutionary rings at the Next Nature Museum: Geosphere, Biosphere, Technosphere, and Mindsphere.

Why participate?
In addition to a spot in our exhibition, you will receive a budget of €15,000 to bring your project to life. Furthermore, you will become a Next Nature Fellow and gain access to a network of experts from art, design, and science.

Sign up by March 31st!
The clock is ticking! Do you want to contribute to the evolution of Spaceship Earth? Don’t wait any longer and submit your proposal through our online registration. Maybe your project will soon shine at the Next Nature Museum and inspire thousands of visitors!

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