
Although wearable technology has been around for the last three decades (and we already gave some examples, such as: Smart Socks, Twitter Tooth Implant, Sniffer, Augmented Contacts and more) experts are now proclaiming 2014 as the year of its glory.

Intelligence agency ABI Research expects that in 2014 more than 90 million of technological wearable devices will be sold and that the best-selling products will come from healthcare, sports and fitness.

“The next twelve months will be a critical period for the acceptance and adoption of wearable devices” says ABI senior analyst Joshua Flood. “Healthcare and sports and activity trackers are rapidly becoming mass-market products. On the flipside, wearable devices like smart watches need to overcome some critical obstacles. Aesthetic design, more compelling use cases, battery life and lower price points are the main inhibitors. How vendors approach these challenges and their respective solutions will affect the wearable market far in the future.”

Read more on ABI Research

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