
One might think this video is just another witty flick made by some media artist. It is not. This is a real bird living in Southern Australia. In order to attract females, the Superb Lyrebird (aka the copypaste bird) sings and mimics all the calls of other birds as well as other sounds he hears in the forest -even chainsaws and camera shutters!

For me the Lyrebird is not only amazingly peculiar, but also very inspiring; it learns us that simulation and imitation are a natural phenomena in life. This bird forces us to look differently at our mediated society. Since I've met the Lyrebird, I perceive Disney castles, video games, breast implants, online shopping carts and indoor beaches differently.

I wonder if the famous French hyperreality philosopher Jean Baudrillard knew about the Lyrebird?

Supreme Lyrebird: the copypaste bird

See also: Walking Leaf, Simulacra for Dummies.

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