
Previously we predicted that we would be eating in vitro meat by 2028. But as it turns out... In vitro meat is already here! And we are not allowed to eat it. The meat has been sealed by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, under new European 'Novel Foods' legislation. This means that we cannot test it. Therefore, we started a petition. We want to taste this in vitro meat at our own risk. Sign if you want to taste in vitro meat.

The problem

The Netherlands has been leading the research on in vitro meat for the past 20 years. There has been a patent since 1999 and in 2013 the first lab-grown burger was cooked and eaten. The trial packages are currently in the Netherlands, but are sealed by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. We want to eat it, but we are not allowed to!

The solution

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority should become an active contributer to innovation by testing the in vitro meat test packages.

What can you do?

Sign the petition if you agree and also want to taste in vitro meat.

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