
Last month graffiti artist Katsu,  member of the online free culture and technology collective F.A.T Lab, presented his graffiti drone called the "spray copter".

In his journey to find innovative ways to expand to previously inaccessible spaces, Katsu, took his art out from the material world and went into the digital sphere.

“Drones allow me to do what I had always yearned to do” he told Bard College's Centre for the Study of the Drone. “I’ve always looked at a building or looked at a canvas and stretched my arms out with my eyes. My eyes have always been able to reach it but my limbs have never been able to touch and reach these spaces.”

Katsu planned to open source the design files used for this project. The freedom that he has created with this design for graffiti artists is important: there is no building too high or inaccessible anymore for graffiti.

Drones are earning a more prominent place in our world and they stretches our abilities in all kinds of professions. What activity will be next?

Source: Bard College – Center for the study of the drone

Related Post: Painted by Robot

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