

We designers often have to exchange business cards and usually they sit in a drawer forever, forgotten and out of date. In Japan there is quite a ritual about exchanging meishi or business cards, and one must always treat it with respect, never just tossing it into your pocket. One would certainly treat these Taberu Me cards made by the company Arigatou well (at least until the giver was out of sight.) Taberu Me cards are created by laser engraving up to 700 characters per second onto hard organic materials like peanuts, beans, rice and pasta.And they are certainly biodegradable.

Taberu means eat and Me could either be an abbreviation of meishi (=business card) or me in English, in which case Taberu Me would be saying 'Eat me' ' a message you probably don't want to convey to your new business partner at the first meeting. Regardless, a set of 150 Taberu Me cards costs 5,800 yen (around $50), which is mere peanuts considering the lasting impression you will make on your new counterparts.

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