Roanne van Voorst
Roanne van Voorst is a Futures-Anthropologist with a PhD in anthropology (cum laude) and currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam. She is the Principal Investigator in an international research project focused on the future of healthcare, which is funded by the European Research Committee. Additionally, she serves as the president of the Dutch Future Society.
Her research centers on anticipated changes within human society. Roanne seeks to understand what gains can be made for humanity in various future scenarios, what aspects must be preserved to safeguard what she refers to as ‘sustainable humanity,’ and what is at risk of being lost, as well as who stands to lose. Roanne has authored 8 books and tens of articles, which have been published internationally. She writes a monthly, digital letter to her community about her personal, academic and creative work, and produces The Emic – an audioplatform where anthropologists share their most beautiful stories from the field. She can be found through her website, www.roannevanvoorst.com, or Instagram @roannevanvoorst.
Photo credits: Roeltje van de Sande Bakhuijzen.