Mark Post
There is no future for traditional meat.
When Mark Post was a professor of tissue engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology, he got involved in a Dutch government-funded programme investigating “in vitro meat” in 2008. The programme had been initiated by Wilem van Eelen, an 86-year-old entrepreneur who held a long-time fascination for the possibility of culturing meat.
When the director of the programme fell ill, about mid-way through the programme, Post took over supervision of the PhD students. Motivated by the potentially high societal impact, he continued research even after the funding had ended in 2010.
Renewed funding by a private partner enabled the realisation of a project to create a processed meat product using muscle cells from a cow.
Professor Post received his medical degree from the University of Utrecht in 1982 and trained for a PhD in Pulmonary Pharmacology, graduating from the University of Utrecht in 1989.
He joined the KNAW Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands before being appointed full-time Assistant Professor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA in 1996. Five years later, he moved with his lab to Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH, and was appointed Associate Professor of Medicine and of Physiology.
In July 2002, Dr. Post returned to the Netherlands as a Professor of Vascular Physiology at Maastricht University and Professor of Angiogenesis in Tissue Engineering at the Technical University Eindhoven. Since January 2004 he has been Chair of Physiology and Vice Dean of Biomedical Technology at Maastricht University.
Mark Post announces his lab grown hamburger at the Next Nature Powershow in 2012.