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Friday Next - Future Love

On February 14th, Valentine's Day, Next Nature presents Future Love, an inspiring evening about the future of love. With performances and topics like intimacy and technology, we explore what the love of tomorrow might look like!

The Driving House of the Future

Generating electricity with the use of the sun is not something we find surprising in this day and age. You see solar panels everywhere and especially the roofs of houses are full of them. But soon you will also see solar panels on the highway. You would think that it will not happen right away, but now, in 2024, it has already become a reality. You can already see it in the Next Nature Museum with the arrival of the Stella Vita.

Photo: Bart van Overbeeke

Astronaut Day

On Wednesday, October 2nd we at Next Nature Museum had the honor of welcoming two American astronauts: Drew Feustel and Toni Antonelli, and the children of an elementary school in our beautiful spaceship.

Evoluon Becomes Next Nature Museum

Next Nature, a platform focused on technology and innovation, will join the Museum Pass program under the new name Next Nature Museum starting July 1. According to founder Koert van Mensvoort, admission to the Museum Pass will bring an influx of a broader and more diverse audience.

Next Nature Museum, Museumkaart