
Dutch production: I Am Not a Robot” wins the Oscar for Best Short Film. The film humorously juggles themes such as humanity and technology. The main character thinks she is a robot after failing to convince a website of her humanity.

When Google calls her only 87% human, the protagonist Lara panics. She calls her husband: “Honey, I’m afraid I’m a bot.” However, she doesn't get a concrete answer until he suddenly shows up at Lara’s work with a woman named Pam, who confirms this assumption.

“Ultimately, it's just a label.” — Pam

Humanlike humans 
"Is technology just a label, or will we soon become a new kind of species? Or perhaps more importantly: are we already that?" There’s a lot to debate about this, as Koert van Mensvoort has considered:

“It’s not the danger that robots will look like humans, but that humans will start to look like robots.” — Koert van Mensvoort

In our society, technology and automation are playing an increasingly significant role, even in professions where human contact is crucial. Consider healthcare, where administrative burdens are taking up more and more time. Robots can take over repetitive tasks, allowing us to focus on what truly matters: human interaction. Therefore, we shouldn’t choose between robots or humans, but strive for a world of both robots and humans.

Main image: "Academy Award Winner" by Dave_B_ is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

I'm not a robot

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