
Some years ago, Norwegian gamer Hans Jørgen Olsen became an unlikely hero when his video game skills saved his sister from a moose attack. We catched up with Hans to learn more about that day and how his experience with video games has shaped his life.

Hans recalls the day vividly. While walking in the woods with his sister, they accidentally wandered into the territory of a moose. The massive animal felt threatened and began to charge. Drawing on his experience from the game "World of Warcraft," Hans used a tactic called "taunting" to distract the moose and give his sister a chance to escape.

From Game to Reality: The Moose Encounter

When asked if the real-life encounter felt like playing a game, Hans explains the stark differences. "Animals are highly unpredictable. It was a high gamble. I could have tried to run, but I might have been trampled. I was really hoping my plan would work since moose are herbivores. I was pretty afraid, to be honest."

The Real-Life Benefits of Gaming

Beyond this dramatic incident, Hans believes video games have equipped him with other useful skills. "There’s a lot of math in games. It’s helped me with budgeting and understanding how markets work, thanks to in-game marketplaces and auction houses."

Hans sees immense value in gaming as an educational tool. "Games are an amazing way to learn languages, cooperation, math, and even art with VR. Although I haven’t tried VR yet, I’m excited about its future possibilities."

Lessons Learned and Life Today

Reflecting on how the moose encounter changed him, Hans says it hasn’t altered his life drastically, but it did teach him one crucial lesson: "Stay the hell away from an enraged moose," he laughs.

Today, Hans continues to enjoy gaming, albeit with a varied taste. "I stepped away from 'World of Warcraft' a few years ago, but now I’m into 'Elden Ring,' 'Toxic League,' and 'Valheim.' These games are mostly for relaxation."

Advice for Young Gamers

Hans also has some advice for young gamers: "Do your best, learn as much as possible, and don’t take verbal attacks from others online to heart. Just take a deep breath and play your best because you won’t perform well if your mind is clouded. And most importantly, have fun."

Hans Jørgen Olsen’s story is a testament to how skills learned in virtual worlds can sometimes make a real-world difference. His experience underscores the potential of video games as tools for learning and growth, proving that play can sometimes save the day.

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