
FIBER Festival is an Amsterdam-based meeting place for audiovisual art and experimental electronic music. The theme of FIBER Festival 2022 is mutation, in the broadest sense of the word. How can mutation – or in other words: change – help us navigate the sometimes harsh reality of a rapidly evolving world we find ourselves in?

Exhibition Mutation. Metamorphosis, Episode 2: “Liquidation in the Pupal Stage,” (2020), The Institute of Queer Ecology. Image credits The Institute of Queer Ecology.

FIBER Festival 2022 zooms in on the collisions between different worldviews, industrial and spiritual realms, and ideas about ecological futures. The festival provides thoughts and strategies for adaptation or rejection of our current methods of living. It touches upon different ideas connected to the theme. What will the future of humanity look like on a radically changing earth? What are the reactions of our modern society to these changes? Are we forced by global warming and technological advancements to work towards a world in which humans are no longer the main focus of reality?

The festival shows the changing relations between humans, nature, and technology through arts and design. A mutation is usually seen as an unwanted development, but it might also result in opportunities to change habits and minds. The blurring of the separation between natural and artificial systems might be a good mutation that has the potential to save the earth.

Exhibition: Mutation. Bond I - Mutualism (2022), Deborah Mora & Virginia Vivaldi. Image credits Deborah Mora & Virginia Vivaldi.

From 8 till 19 June FIBER Festival opens an exhibition on reimagining the relationship between society, technology, and ecology in a radically changing world. The exhibition is accompanied by a four-day-long festival program at Amsterdam-Noord from 16 till 19 June. The festival consists of Audiovisual Performances at brand new venue MACA, a Club Night at Garage Noord, and a two-day Conference at warehouse theatre Likeminds, that discusses post-capitalist design, queer ecologies, wxtchcraft, a post-carbon future, and new ways of listening. On Friday 17 June, artists and professionals can also attend a networking day with panels and knowledge sessions.

Read more about the FIBER Festival here
Tickets are for sale here 

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