
Today our human impact on Earth is humongous. Climate change, plastic oceans, mass urbanization and deforestation. Scientist recently calculated the technosphere now outweighs the biosphere. Humanity is clearly a dominant species on the planet. But there are other organisms that have their say: think viral microorganisms that keep airplanes grounded and artificial intelligence that monitors our everyday lives.

What can we learn from the others? From non-human organisms? Our new four year program 'Hello Superorganism' explores how we can design a future in which nature and technology are fusing. We hope to find a future path that is not only satisfying to humans, but to all other species on Earth.

One major step in this ambition is the reopening of the Evoluon building in Eindhoven as a place of wonder for the masses. It is our honor to develop a public program for this iconic monument. Build in 1966 as one of the first large scale science museums, closed for the general public since 1989. We are now closer than ever of making this mesmerizing UFO-shaped building again accessible for anyone. Thanks to your support it can become a wondrous place for young and old, where we learn to love the future again. And become better crew-members for Spaceship Earth.

The Evoluon resembles a spaceship. But Earth is our mothership. There are no passengers on spaceship Earth, we are all crew. Therefore, the Evoluon must be a docked training ship to train and encourage astronauts on the spaceship Earth to work together as a harmonious crew for the future of our planet.

In collaboration with the unique Eindhoven ecosystem of technology and design, we will reopen the Evoluon. It will be a future lab for the wonderful world of technology, the ingenuity and creativity of design and innovation, about people and society that are increasingly merged with technology.

The "spaceship Earth" spirit encourages everyone on Earth to work together as a harmonious crew. This is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the original intention behind the Evoluon to take people along in the evolutionary future of technology. We will do that. The reopened Evoluon tells an origin story about the evolution of technology on earth and the place of man in it.

Curious? Good! Read more about our Evoluon plans here.

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