
What if women of childbearing age no longer had to interrupt their careers for a pregnancy? In Kuang-Yi Ku’s project Grandmom Mom, we take a look into the future. In 2050, the ‘IGPC’ (International Geriatric Pregnancy Centre) serves as a surrogacy agency where retired women can assume the role of surrogate mother for their daughters - meaning they bear their own grandchildren. The IGPC offers medical services, rejuvenating the wombs of the elderly women in order to produce offspring for their daughters.

Grandmom Mom is a conceptual project by artist Kuang-Yi Ku. It solves the dilemma, faced by women of childbearing age, of choosing between children and a career. Both are possible in this way, which is good for the economy and for emancipation on the job market. Not only that, but their mothers find a useful way to spend their retirement. The only question is whether this is something we want.

During the Grandmom Mom event on 8 July 2021, Waag will collaborate with the artist Kuang-Yi Ku and Next Nature Network, opening the discussion on the possible futures that spring from emerging reproduction technologies. The event will consist of a lecture, panel discussion, public debate and a VR screening. Explore with us the development of reproductive technology, the possible ethical and social issues, and the complex emotions between family and blood relatives through extreme future imagination.

How to attend?

Register here (free admission). This is an online event and will be spoken in English. More details about attending will be sent to you after registration.

Program 8 July 2021

12:00 - 12:05 hrs - Introduction by the host (Lucas Evers)
12:05 - 12:15 hrs - Introduction to Reprodutopia (Hendrik-Jan Grievink)
12:25 - 12:30 hrs - Introduction of ‘Grandmom Mom’ (Kuang-Yi Ku)
12:30 - 12:45 hrs - VR film screening
12:45 - 12:55 hrs - Artist Talk (Kuang-Yi Ku)
12:55 - 13:00 hrs - Q&A
13:00 - 13:45 hrs - Panel Discussion (Kuang-Yi Ku, Dr. Chen Yu Ping, Dr. Yu-chieh Yang, Lungyin Lim, Hendrik-Jan Grievink, Lucas Evers)

About the artist

Formerly a practicing dentist, Kuang-Yi Ku is a Netherlands-based Taiwanese bio-artist and speculative designer. He co-founded TW BioArt, a bioart community in Taiwan, to stimulate the fields of BioArt and Science+Art in Taiwan. He has graduated with triple master degrees in social design from Design Academy Eindhoven, dentistry from National Yang-Ming University and communication design from Shih Chien University. Kuang-Yi Ku attempts to expand the possibilities of combining arts, design and science. Trying to explore ethical issues in the scientific field through artistic practice and design methods, he is aiming to investigate the relationships among technology, individuals and the environment.

About 3Package Deal

Grandmom Mom is supported by the AFK (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts) and was developed within the scope of a 3Package Deal in collaboration with Waag and Next Nature Network. This project is also supported by Stimuleringsfonds (Netherlands), Ministry of Culture (Taiwan), Department of Cultural Affairs (Taipei City Government), and National Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan).

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