
We are a network of makers, thinkers, educators and supporters. With members in 44 countries, we are the international network for anyone interested in the debate on our future – in which biology and technology are fusing.

We explore how technology becomes so omnipresent, complex, intimate and autonomous – a nature of its own. We stimulate discussion, initiate publications, events and traveling expositions on how to dream, build and live in the next nature.

That’s a towering goal, and to achieve it, we need talent. Read on for descriptions of the individual opportunities:

Creative Producer EN/NL

We are looking for hands-on talent to handle our mobile exhibitions that travel throughout the Netherlands and abroad. Someone who is highly goal-orientated with the drive to meticulously produce the exhibitions demanded by our client base, has an intrinsic motivation to lead and inspire a team of tour guides, and knows how to properly communicate with our clients during pre-production. Read more.

Editor-in-Chief / Manager Online Magazine EN/NL

We are looking for a strategic talent to further develop our online magazine. Someone who is highly content-driven and holds the ability to create unique content based on the next nature philosophy, who has an ear to the ground for emerging next nature topics and knows how to communicate this to our audience via our online magazine, newsletters and social media. Read more.


Apply before 16 August by sending your CV and cover letter to tim[at], attn. Tim Hoogesteger, Managing Director. For questions about the role, feel free to give us a call at (+31) 20 261 3853.

We will schedule the first round of talks in the week of 19 August 2019.

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