
Today is Earth Day! This means that we think about the relationship between man, nature and technology, as technology is becoming a nature of its own. Acknowledged in 192 countries, Earth Day is among the most widely celebrated eco-events across the world. Today it focuses on creating awareness about our planet and demonstrating support for environmental protection.

Now, what have you done to protect the environment? Took the bike to work last week? Had a meat-free lunch? Tell us on Twitter using #ecocoin or drop us a line in the comments below, and you might earn your very first ECO Coin in return!

The dream of an ECO currency emerged at the 2009 Paralelo Conference in Brazil. This event brought together artists and designers from Brazil, the Netherlands, and the UK, with the aim to explore ways in which intercultural and interdisciplinary collaborations could enable research and new insights into local ecological problems. And thus, the ECO Coin was born.

The ECO Coin project was researched in the Next Nature Lab at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2010, after which a proposal was born for a collaborative platform to disctribute the ECOs among people who contribute to a better environment. The vision of such an ECO Coin was first published in our Next Nature Book in 2012.

In 2015, we were invited to speak at a TEDx event. This is where things really took off! In that same year, we handed our very first ECO Coin Award to Yoyo Yogasmana for his work in Indonesia to preserve more than 130 existing rice varieties without any use of insecticides and transfer his knowledge to the digital domain. And we have been handing out medals ever since!

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