
Spending a few minutes in meditation can reduce stress and restore inner peace. Spiritual leader Deepak Chopra recently unveiled a 20-minute therapy session inviting us to stay in the present moment and awake our inner selves through virtual reality. Chopra joined forces with his son Gotham and developer Wevr to explore the role of VR in the future of wellbeing. His meditation simulation Finding Your True Self will be available for purchase later this year.

In 2014, Chopra released DreamWeaver, an app for meditation, relaxation and effortless sleep. The new age entrepreneur states: “Everyone should meditate once per day and if you don’t have the time, then you should meditate twice per day”. Chopra advocates acknowledging the benefits of alternative medicine and supports his theory with scientific data from the Chopra Foundation. However, meditation itself does not require any special equipment. Anyone can practice it, without having to pay for it.

Chopra is well aware of the therapeutic applications of VR and aims to develop healing tools using mixed reality technologies. Earlier this year, Chopra exposed his vast global audience to a 21-Day Meditation Experience together with Oprah Winfrey. The interactive online experience offers several programs for “creating a limitless life”.

According to Chopra, his simulation is a mixture of “insights, contemplation and entertainment”. But most importantly, he said: “There is no paradox in finding your true self via virtual reality because everyday reality is already a simulation”.

Surce: The Guardian. Image: VRRelated

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