Today we present you the WiFi Drone, a not-so-fictional character from the coloring book, What’s Flying There?. The WiFi Drone is a friendly never intruding and cooperating drone. His job is to provide everyone with a safe and effective connection, while camouflaging himself perfectly among flowers. He has the appearance of dandelion seeds and that is exactly what he does: he "pollinates" his surroundings with connectivity, just like the bees that bring the pollen from flower to flower. Spreading information while living in harmony with the natural elements.
Lately our technological companions tend to become almost invisible, blending with our surroundings and environment. In some cases we're not even able to distinguish a biological element from a technological one. Take for instance the palm tree antenna or the phone trees.
You can find the WiFi Drone and many other good drones (such as the Queen Bee, the Firefighter and the Farmer) in What’s Flying There?, our coloring book that opens up new perspectives for drones applications in the human habitat.
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