
Featuring different cities at night, the Next Nature Glowing Planet T-shirt - now for sale in our web shop - highlights the enchanting beauty of our glimmering world.

While on a ground level cities appear as purely cultural artifacts, a traveler from outer space might marvel at them as beautifully glowing organic fungi-like structures that sprouted on our planet. At night, city lights present spectacular evidence of our existence, our distribution, and our ability to change the environment. Less than a millennium ago, the Earth at night was all dark. Today it is all glowing and blossoming.

achterkant_steden_tekst_logo_654Each shirt comes with a different pattern, making every piece unique and eye catcher. The items are sewn from customized stretchable cotton, produced and manufactured in the Netherlands.

Glowing Planet 1Glowing Planet 2

For more info click here.

Photographer: Dennis Lier

Styling & Production: Lotte Biesheuvel

© Next Nature Network

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