
Over the next few years, Next Nature Network aims to initiate the ECO coin, a new currency that expresses ecological value. People who do good for the environment should earn ECO coins for their work. Just like other currencies, such as the Dollar, Euro and even the Bitcoin, the ECO coin has a rate of exchange that fluctuates along with the necessity of protecting vulnerable ecologies – like the rain forest or the coral reef.

It will take research and time before the ECO coin can be implemented. Meanwhile, we want to celebrate the heroes that today already deserve this ECO Coin. Last year the first symbolic Eco Coin was handed to Yoyo Yogasmana. Yoyo received the Eco Coin for his work in Indonesia for transferring his knowledge on growing more than 130 rice varieties without the use of insecticides, to the digital domain.

Call for Ecological Heroes

This year we are going to hand over a second Eco Coin! Anyone who adds value to the ecological nature, is qualified. Do you know someone who would really deserve an Eco-Coin? Please email 'who' and 'why' to Nominations can be sent until the 30th of April.

ECO Coin

About the Eco Coin

Would the rain forest still be destroyed if we could pay people to let the trees stand? The ECO coin is an alternative currency to express environmental value. If we have to deal with environmental issues like deforestation, decreasing biodiversity and climate change, we need to articulate environmental value in economical terms. Read more about the ECO coin project or watch the TEDx talk on the ECO Coin.

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