
Biomimicry is a 20 minute long documentary film, produced by actor Leonardo DiCaprio, on the topic of how life and biology can be the mentors for our own innovation in the world.

In the film, the founder of the Biomimicry Institute, Janine Benyus, describes how biomimicry has been applied to different problems succesfully, from designing forms that capture carbon to replacing toxic solvents we use.

Benyus believes that there is much to be learned in terms of sustainability and success in innovation from the organisms that compose the history of life in our planet. Biomimicry is brought to us by Leonardo DiCaprio, Executive Producer Oliver Stanton, and directed by Leila Conners, produced by Mathew Schmid and Bryony Schwan, with Executive Producers Roee Sharon Peled and George DiCaprio.

Watch the short film below.

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