
Architect firm Foster + Partners recently presented a project to build the world's first Droneport in Rwanda, Africa. The structure will be designed to support cargo drone routes capable of delivering urgent and precious supplies to remote areas, largely inaccessible by road, on a massive scale.

"The Droneport offers a new typology for a building which we hope will grow into a ubiquitous presence, much like petrol stations have become dispersed infrastructure for road traffic. The proposal will have a strong civic presence, based on sharing and multiple uses. It allows for safe landing of quiet drones in a densely packed area, and includes a health clinic, a digital fabrication shop, a post and courier room, and an e-commerce trading hub, allowing it to become part of local community life" the architects explain in a press release.

The construction works of the Droneport buildings are scheduled between 2016 and 2020. Further phases of the project could see more hubs for drones rising across Rwanda, and beyond.

"It’s the new infrastructure of this century. In many parts of Africa, the economy is never going to catch up to population growth – the Droneport could leapfrog the building of motorways, tunnels or bridges, just as mobile phones mean that landlines are no longer needed. And it could be applied to airport design – the same approach we’re taking to the Droneport can be carried over" lead designer Narinder Sagoo says.

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Read more at BBC

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