
This series of images, called Overviews, shows overhead satellite views of the Earth, focusing on the places where human activity has shaped the landscape.

From our line of sight on the Earth’s surface, it’s impossible to completely understand the complexity of the systems we have created and the impact that we have had on our planet.

As Daily Overview founder Benjamin Grant explains “Our project was inspired, and derives its name, from an idea known as the Overview Effect. This term refers to the sensation astronauts have when given the opportunity to look down and view the Earth as a whole. They have the chance to appreciate our home in its entirety, to reflect on its beauty and its fragility all at once. That's the cognitive shift that we hope to inspire.”

The work aims to change the way we look at our planet. The authors of the pictures collection, invite us to “go beyond the aesthetics, contemplate just exactly what it is that you're seeing, and consider what that means for our planet.”

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