
In the instant era, who wants to spend precious time waiting for the oven to preheat and roast the meal? If you’re permanently short of time and often too busy to cook, or if you’re still honing your chef skills, Bake ‘n Spray is the product for you! Thanks to an  exothermic reaction and nanoparticles, Bake ‘n Spray instantly bakes your food, without requiring the oven; you can also use it in combination with microwaves to make sure the inside is cooked to perfection.

Baking has never been so easy: cakes, lasagnas, turkeys…just spray and eat!

From the NANO Supermarket new collection.

Designers: Karin Donkers, Daphne v/d Hurk, Mart Pluijmaekers, Wouter Veldhuis

Package Design: Robin Bergman

More products from the new line: CloudCrayonsThe Healing GameCoating ColaGoogle NoseHostCatad’Or, IDiO

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