
"Paris, printemps 2019: Oh Darling, you look gorgeous." Nowadays we are so used to Hollywood hyperbodies – a simulation of a body that never existed – it is good to see a different take on them for a change.

In the French interpretation – everyone knows the French have style – a hyperbody isn't some simple amplification (read: breast-implants) or restoration (read: botox) of a lost nature. Hyperbodies are high culture, an authentic fake. At least in the vision of the Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf who took these pictures as a part of his project 'Le Dernier Cri'.


We are now awaiting for this French style interpretation of a hyperbody to hit the Hollywood hills. Everyone knows that Americans secretly want to live in Paris and be French, so it shouldn't take long. Common guys, those boring breast implants are way out of style, your wife deserves something more creative.

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