Many people tend to eat too fast. As a result they do not receive signals from the stomach that they are in fact full. The result can be overeating and obesity.
To encounter these modern diseases, designer Lissa Kooijman created a plate that helps you pace your meal. It comes with built-in LEDs that indicate how long you should take to swallow one mouthful. Lissa's idea is that due to the LEDs you will pay more attention to eating. The LEDs keep on burning to indicate how long you should wait to take the next bite. You should enjoy your meal more and avoid eating too fast.
The project is a collaboration between TU/e Industrial Design, the Catharina Hospital, and Nedap Healthcare. We are awaiting a more cosy candlelight version of the product.
Via IDzine, Related posts: Get vegetarian teeth and eat less meat, Michelangelo's David after his stay in the US, If giraffes lived in the US.
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