
A Leap in Human Evolution

Are we on the verge of a future human evolution, one that isn’t, at least in it’s very core, “the survival of the fittest”, but rather “the evolution of the richer”?

Think about it: For much of the time throughout the human evolution we lived in societies arranged in castes, based on “virtual” barriers, such as bloodlines and wealth. On those times, one’s status within a society would be dependent on those two items.

Nowadays, at least in the so called Western World, we are very fortunate to live within societies where legally and morally everyone’s perceived as equal, and where, in principle, education, work and health is guaranteed through the State social services (except in the USA). It’s really not surprising to see that the Forbes Most Rich in the World list is mainly composed by self-made men and not people whose wealth and influence was inherited.

But how does this relate to ‘the’ next nature? Currently scientists, bioengineers, medics etc.., are studying and developing technology and alike in order to break free from the limits that nature imposed into us. Like in the music of the French duo Daft Punk: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. A leap in our own physical and thinking limitations. Only a scarce bunch of people with enough money will be able to buy such a technology and improve themselves to the point that they no longer resemble a human but they become something of a post-human entity.

These post-humans would be able to achieve things that are impossible to the rest of the people, having what in my eyes would be an unfair advantage in the whole spectrum of a society, in businesses and politics, deepening the already steep barrier between the rich and the poor, eventually preparing the ground for a new kind of caste society, a kind of society that humanity has never seen before.

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Animal Farm, George Orwell

Photo by Diogo Correia

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