
hortus conclusus

This weeks peculiar image is a work by Zeger Reyers. In 2001 he vaccinated some everyday objects - found in the basement of Rotterdam Art Centre Witte de With - with oyster mushroom spores. Shortly afterwards, colorful fungi sprouted from archive boxes, furniture and fire hoses.

hortus conclusus

Reyers (1966) is known for his installations in which he confronts the artificial, man-made world, with the forces of nature and their miraculous beauty.

hortus conclusus

hortus conclusus

hortus conclusus

hortus conclusus

hortus conclusus - 2001

More recent work:

hard water

hard water - 2003

lux flex 2006

lux flex 2006

lux flex - 2006

aqua boogie 2

Referral to aqua boogie II (dutch) | (dutch broadcast)

Related topics: Mushrooms come from Trucks | Grow your 1up Mushroom Kit |

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