
Paradise by the Laptop Light

Paradise by the Laptop Light is a visual power event with short films, speedlectures, special guests and one laptop. It will be held on Friday 23 November 2007 16:30 - 18:00, as part of STRP Art & Technology Festival in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Artist/scientist Koert van Mensvoort will be your safari guide on a trip into our Next Nature, with visions, statements, movies and designs from Ken Rinaldo, Jelte van Abbema, Floris Kaayk, Jiacong Yan, Joris van Gelder, Design Musketeers, Mieke Gerritzen, Arnoud van den Heuvel, Hendrik-Jan Grievink, Rolf Coppens, Agata Jaworska, Amir Admoni, and more..


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