

Henk Rozema displaying his invention (2006), the digital tombstone "Digizerk". It was only a question of time that global digitalization would be introduced on cemeteries. The digital contents can be viewed only by relatives who own a remote-control device. The newest model runs on solar power. Presenting slideshows of the most important moments of the deceased are perhaps as dull as one could expect from a "new medium" like this. Here's an idea for Henk Rozema to work on: I think (correct me if I'm wrong) it was in the Fox-movie "I Robot" that - through a StarWars-like-beam-device - actor Will Smith communicates with a holographic projection of the US Robotics-leading scientist (James Cromwell) who just fell from the companies building and died. The device contains some clues and answers on his death, provided and triggered by asking the right questions.

What if in future, people would record and save their ideas and answers to questions in their tombs for the generations to come. Cemetery = library knowledge-base! Bas Groenendaal has done something similar with his project: "Release". | | video (dutch) | Related posts: Vin memoriam | Pencils made of cremated humans | Human DNA in trees

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