Jasna Rok
Fashion Tech Designer
Fashion Tech Designer
The digital revolution forces us to rethink clothing, textiles, and the fashion industry as a whole.
Jasna Rokegem is a young pioneer who combines innovative fashion with cutting-edge technology. She shows the endless possibilities of technology and science today, by making them visible, tangible and understandable for the big audience through interactive fashion. After graduating from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, she founded Jasna Rok, the first Fash Tech design studio in Belgium. Not only does she create unique projects and collections, but also brings these to life by using techniques such as virtual and augmented reality. She has a strong vision on the clothing of the future and how it can add value to our daily lives. To achieve more and think even further, Jasna likes working closely together with professional partners from around the globe, such as Nokia Bell Labs, Nanex Company and Leap Motion.
📣 Jasna is one of the speakers of the Next Nature Academy.