William Myers
Biodesign goes beyond mimicry to integration, dissolving boundaries and synthesizing new hybrid typologies.
William Myers is an American design historian, curator, writer, and teacher based in Amsterdam. He is well-known for his work on bio design. His book Biodesign (2018) identifies the emerging practice of integrating biological processes into design and architecture. It is published by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and Thames & Hudson worldwide.
His book Bio Art: Altered Realities (2015) profiles art that uses biology in new ways or responds to advances in the life sciences which disrupt our concepts of identity, nature, and the definition of life. His recently curated exhibitions include Biodesign: From Inspiration to Integration at RISD, Humans Need Not Apply at Science Gallery Dublin, and Human + Artificial Creativity in Istanbul and Łódź. Apart from writing and curating, William also mentors students at the Design Academy in Eindhoven and serves as the jury chairman for the Bio Art and Design Awards in the Netherlands.