Liam Young
Speculative Architect
Speculative Architect
We should give up this illusion of opposites, of nature versus technology, and see them as being just two ends of a continuous spectrum.
Liam Young is a speculative architect who operates in the spaces between design, fiction and futures. Trained as an architect in Australia, he has worked for a number of the world’s leading design practices but became frustrated with the slow pace of traditional architecture and set up his own speculative futures think tank, Tomorrows Thoughts Today, a collaborative practice, working across science, technology and architecture. To ground his design fiction practice in the realities of present Young has also cofounded the research studio ‘Unknown Fields’, an award winning nomadic workshop that travels on annual expeditions to the ends of the earth to investigate emerging trends and uncover the weak signals of possible futures. He develops this research through teaching positions at the Architectural Association in London and is visiting professor at Princeton University.
The Brave New Now