
Should men be able to give birth to children? Should we externalize pregnancy with artificial wombs? And are these feminist dreams or frankenstein nightmares? Welcome to Reprodutopia, a debate on our reproductive futures.

An exhibition as a research site

For the past two months, Next Nature Network has proudly presented the Reprodutopia exhibition at @DROOG in Amsterdam. On the one hand, the project was disguised as a clinic for future reproductive technologies, while on the other hand, it served as a research site for the Athena Institute— an educational platform from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) that aims to scientifically study and design interfaces between science and society.

But all good things must come to an end, so we decided to go out with a bang. On the last day of the exhibition, we will publicly share our findings and discuss how reproductive technologies may shape the future of humanity. And you are invited.

Because what might changing modes of reproduction mean for our freedom of choice and social (in)equalities, as well the relationships we form with our bodies and unborn children? 

Join the debate!

For this closing we will be joined by philosophers Nanon Labrie, Hafez Ismaili M’hamdi, Anna Smajdor, Beatrijs Smulders, Martijntje Smits and Marcel Zuijderland. Next Nature's Joyce Nabuurs and VU's Frank Kupper will be moderating the debate, and the dynamic format of the event will provide you with multiple opportunities to get involved in the discussion.

At Next Nature Network, we believe it's time for this much-needed discussion and therefore we need you, because if we are to rewrite the human story, let’s make sure it becomes a story that benefits all.

Plan your visit

If you are unable to make it to the closing event, you can visit Reprodutopia daily from 9am—7pm until 30 November 2019, free of charge.

What? A talk-show style debate on the future of reproductive technologies
Where? @DROOG, Amsterdam
When? Saturday 30 November, from 3pm-5pm

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