
The train is the most sustainable mode of transport for long-distance travel. And from January 1st, the Dutch Railways NS made it more environmentally friendly. They partnered with renewable energy supplier Eneco to solely operate all electric trains on new green energy, allowing 600.000 daily passengers to travel 100% carbon-free. That’s 1.200.000 train rides a day!

NS and Eneco initially partnered in 2015 with the prospect to drive all trains carbon-free by the end of 2018. Last year 75% of the Dutch trains already operated on wind power, but as of this year the number rose to 100%. According to Timo Huges, Chairman and CEO of NS, “This contract is a perfect example of how organisations in the rail sector work closely together to improve passenger experience and sustainable mobility. According to a customer survey, eight out of ten passengers consider it important for rail companies to switch over to green power”.

On an annual basis, NS uses 1200.000.000 kWh of wind power, which equals to the yearly amount of energy used in Dutch households. But that’s not all, from 2020 the Dutch Railways are expected to heat with renewable gas 183 stations and prevent 4.000 switches from frosting. Now, that's a way to go green!

Sources: NS, Eneco

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