
Stroopwafels are - just like tulips, clogs and windmills - iconic for the Netherlands. This traditional recipe dates back to the end of the 18th century in Gouda, when a baker started making waffles from residual crumbs and spices and sweetened them with syrup. With STROOOP! food designer and NNN fellow Chloé Rutzerveld presents a modern version of the typical Dutch delicacy, fully made of vegetables.

Chloé Rutzerveld presents a modern version of the iconic stroopwafel, fully made of vegetables.

The plant-based stroopwafels are made from misfits and residues of the vegetable industry. Each containing 100 grams of carrot, beetroot or celeriac, these waffles are a great source of dietary fiber. In addition, the stroopwafels are free of gluten, added sugar and food-colorings, turning vegetables into the ultimate treat for kids!

By using food as her medium, Chloé Rutzerveld explores innovative ways to work with vegetables by making clever use of their natural properties. Take for example the sweetness of tubers, she found the longer you grill or bake a carrot, the sweeter it becomes.

By combining aspects of design, science and technology, the designer envisions new ways to make our food healthier, more efficient and sustainable; simultaneously raising awareness over food production and consumption. For STROOOP! she partnered with Proverka, manufacturer that produces demand-driven freshly squeezed vegetable juices and derivatives, putting leftovers to better use and reduce waste.

Chloé Rutzerveld presents a modern version of the iconic stroopwafel, fully made of vegetables.

Chloé Rutzerveld launches STROOOP! during the Dutch Design Week 2016 in Eindhoven. The project will be exhibited in two locations during the event: as part of Agri Meets Design and during the young talent exhibition In No Particular Order. Make sure you get a taste of this!

Photography by Bram Saeys

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