
The NANO Supermarket is evolving! After three successful years touring the globe presenting speculative products to over 50.000 people, the NANO supermarket is now entering its third edition. We are calling upon designers, technologists and artists to submit their speculative nanotech products for the next round of the NANO supermarket. A selection of the most innovative products will be exhibited in the physical space, and featured in the accompanying catalogue. The best product overall will win a € 2500 prize.

Nanotechnology is an important emerging technology  – it radically intervenes with our sense of what is natural – yet most people are still relatively unaware of its consequences. The Next Nature NANO Supermarket is a physical "supermarket" that features debate-provoking visions on nanotech products that could be expected to hit the shelves between today and 2020.

Just what is a nano product? Click through for some examples of our past entries: Interactive Paint, Twitter Implants, an Energy Belt that allows you to charge your phone from your own belly fat, Molecular printed food, metabolic guardians, an environmentally friendly Algue Lampbiocustomized sneakers from genetically modified stingray leather, a Smoke Dress, bioorganic jewelry and donor organs crafted by silk worms.

Besides submitting a product to the call you can also host the NANO Supermarket at your city or event.

The NANO Supermarket is made possible with the kind support of Stichting Doen, Creative Industries Fund NL, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, SNS REAAL Fonds and Eindhoven University of Technology.

For information and updates, visit Submission deadline 15 May 2014.

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