
Could this 2.0-bird be suffering from Infobesity? Then it must be the result of excessive infocalorie consumption.

Following people and news-sources on microblogservices like Twitter, has become a new addictive nature to many people. While our brains have only just adapted to print, radio, television and the (passive) internet, things worth knowing are now being funneled into them as if they were sponges. And curious swelling sponges they are! The average twittering brain has 126 followers which implies that an average of 126 brains are being followed back. If all these users stick to an average of 22 TPD (Tweets Per Day), reading the tweets will consume approximately 2,5 hours per day (not to mention responding to them).

One would think it is time for a diet. Yet according to Dunbar's number 126 is still on the safe side! An approximate 150 is assumed to be the cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships.

But if you are are using a microblog and follow more than 150 people on a daily basis, the advise is to either evolve, "defriend" or not read everything they say... Proving your exuberant social skills leads to poor nutrition value and is a waste of energy in the end. Ask Tweetie.

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