
Though I did not eat as many crayons as PiPi growing up, I’m sure we all remember the first day we tasted wax. How can something *look* so tasty, yet be totally bland. But I digress. Due to the sissy-fication of America, Crayon colour’s names have been slowly but surely changed over the years in order to be more politically correct. For example, in 1962 the crayon colour “flesh” was renamed to “peach”. A travesty of justice in my opinion. The replacement name should have been more suited to represent both the actual colour AND the history of the crayon’s original name. I would have named it “honkey-hued-hei-ren-hanging-honeydew”. Having said that, let me present the Sinocidal Chinese CrayonColours. Peculiar image.

Via, thanks to Mónica Carriço

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