

This years edition of the Ars Electronica festival, which has been hangout for international experts from the arts and sciences for almost three decades, focuses on the nature caused by people:

Human Nature: The Reinvention of Nature

We are entering a new age here on Earth: the Anthropocene. An age definitively characterized by humankind’s massive and irreversible influences on our home planet. Population explosion, climate change, the poisoning of the environment and our venturing into outer space have been the most striking symbols of this development so far.

But to a much more enormous extent, the achievements of genetic engineering and biotechnology are the truly indicative markers of this transition to a new epoch. Now, we’re not only changing our environment; we’re revising the fundamentals of life itself—even our own human life.

Among the works on display are the Cloned robot professorFlesh nike, Living doll, Cloned beefhuman body farming and conductive bodypaint.

Ars Electronica 2009: Human Nature is organized from September 3rd – 8th in Linz, Austria.

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