
presidential vegetables

"Eat the View" is a campaign to plant healthy, edible landscapes in high-impact, high visibility places, whether it's the "First Lawn" or the lawn in front of your child's school.

Roger Doiron, founder of Kitchen Gardens International (a nonprofit organization in Maine, US, that promotes kitchen gardening and sustainable local food systems) hopes to convince the next president to make a small vegetable garden on the 19 acres of grass surrounding the White House.


white house lawn with sheep

John Adams, the first president to live in the White House, had a garden to feed his family; Woodrow Wilson had a Liberty Garden and sheep grazing during the First World War and the Roosevelts famously had their Victory Garden during World War II, a time when 40 percent of the nation's produce came from citizen gardeners.


Via Boingboing | Related: Food for Thought | Mobile Garden | Ferrari Tomato

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