
indoor skydiving

Always wanted to take that parachute jump from the airplane, but never dared to? Why not try an indoor sky dive? Less interesting view, but more floating time. You can jump in here, here, or here. I admit jumping in a vertical wind tunnel feels less natural than an outdoor skydiving, but... wait.. did I say 'natural' there? Clearly there is nothing natural in jumping from an airplane, so how can outdoor skydiving feel more natural than indoor skydiving?

We usually don't realize that sports like skydiving, snowboarding, golf, tennis and football in fact aren't 'natural' activities. They don't play badminton in old nature. Sport = hyperreality; a substitute for the numbed physicality in our everyday lives. Now then, if sport is already hyperreal, how should we call the indoor ski slopes, beaches and skydiving tunnels that merely fake the hyperreal activity sport already is? Hyper-hyper-reality?

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