
Get wasted in Second life

Second Hype's fashion industry is large and catty enough to have supermodel divas and social scandals, so it's probably inevitable that these should be available, too: animation sets for supermodels who want to behave scandalously in public. On her fashionista blog, the eminently scrumptious Gorgeous Yongho has released a set of eight poses, each of them ideal for appearing in next week's gossip column: knock-kneed and passed out, struggling to get off the ground in stiletto heels, and, of course, paying tribute at the ceramic altar. With luck, a sequel will include animations for spilling champagne on the mayor of New York and throwing cell phones at the maid.

See also: Victoria 4.0, Second life is not Sustainable, First Second Life Millionaire, Big Brother enters Virtual World, Second Life Prostitute. Via New World Notes.

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